Chicago Schutzhund Verein Autumn 2015 Trial Photos SV Judge Andre Polok / GSDCA-WDA Certified Helper Ray Silvertrust |
Photos courtesy of Halina Wirtanen © 2015
The Club welcomes Judge Polok before the trial begins |
First the teams report in: Brian & Sade, Marian & Simba and Judy with Jeck |
First came Tracking & Judge Polok was able to congratulate both teams |
Halina with Isen |
Brian with Sade |
And then Obedience |
Jimmy and Hektor doing the pattern |
Dennis and Hossa doing the pattern and in the group |
Dennis returning to Hossa after the sit exercise |
Another new BH Team |
Marian and Simba in the pattern and then doing the sit exercise |
Simba shows the finish |
Marian & Simba reporting out |
Vicki and Heike in the pattern |
Straight sit after recall | Vicki & Heike reporting out, obedience complete |
Vicki and Heike celebrate their new title |
Judy and Jeck in the pattern and then entering the group |
Judy and Jeck in the sit exercise |
Awaiting Judge Polok's report |
The Club listens as Judge Polok gives Judy & Jeck their evaluation |
Congratulations! |
Ray and Heska in the pattern |
Brian and Sade in the pattern and then the group |
Sade retrieving over the jump |
Sade retrieving the dumbbell over the wal |
Andrius & Colt in the group |
Colt finishes the recall |
Andrius returns to Colt after the sit exercise |
Colt retrieves on the flat and later over the wall |
Finally, it's time for Protection |
Judge Polok instructs Ray where to place the helper markings for the escape |
Andrius and Colt during the revier exercise |
Ray waits as Colt approaches and then does the hold & bark after which Andrius calls him out |
The escape is about to begin |
The rear transport |
Judge Polok evaluates Colt's response to the attack by the helper |