Chicago Schutzhund Verein

Autumn 2015 Trial Photos

SV Judge Andre Polok / GSDCA-WDA Certified Helper Ray Silvertrust

 Photos courtesy of  Halina Wirtanen © 2015

The Club welcomes Judge Polok before the trial begins

First the teams report in: Brian & Sade, Marian & Simba and Judy with Jeck

First came Tracking & Judge Polok was able to congratulate both teams

Halina with Isen

Brian with Sade

And then Obedience

Jimmy and Hektor doing the pattern

Dennis and Hossa doing the pattern and in the group

Dennis returning to Hossa after the sit exercise

Another new BH Team

Marian and Simba in the pattern and then doing the sit exercise

Simba shows the finish

Marian & Simba reporting out

Vicki and Heike in the pattern

Straight sit after recall Vicki & Heike reporting out, obedience complete

Vicki and Heike celebrate their new title

Judy and Jeck in the pattern and then entering the group

Judy and Jeck in the sit exercise

Awaiting Judge Polok's report

The Club listens as Judge Polok gives Judy & Jeck their evaluation


Ray and Heska in the pattern

Brian and Sade in the pattern and then the group

Sade retrieving over the jump

Sade retrieving the dumbbell over the wal

Andrius & Colt in the group

Colt finishes the recall

Andrius returns to Colt after the sit exercise

Colt retrieves on the flat and later over the wall

Finally, it's time for Protection

Judge Polok instructs Ray where to place the helper markings for the escape

Andrius and Colt during the revier exercise

Ray waits as Colt approaches and then does the hold & bark after which Andrius calls him out

The escape is about to begin

The rear transport

Judge Polok evaluates Colt's response to the attack by the helper



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